
Sr Product Designer / Senior UX Designer
Project Overview
Voyager is a crypto brokerage application. It facilities the buying, selling, and trading of Crypto currencies. Users earn interest on their crypto, and can spend their crypto with a Debit Card design to spend cryptocurrencies.
My Contributions
I was a principle team member in Voyagers redesign, as well as lead designer in many features including but not limited to; Debit Card, Stop Orders, Onboarding, Tiered Pricing, International, etc. All redesign and features were user tested, ADA compliant, and user interviews conducted.
Voyager Debit Card
Sr UX Designer
Apr 2021 - Jan 2022


User's requested the ability to spend their crypto and not just buy and sell crypto. A debit card is a great solution that allows user to spend their crypto currency without having to sell for USD and transferring to a bank account.


Provide the user with a debit card that can be loaded and managed inside the Voyager application.


  • User will have difficulty loading their debit card with Crypto (USDC)
  • Target audience is Male, aged 21 - 40
  • Ability to spend crypto will increase purchasing of crypto


Strict deadline of three months, must meet WCAG 2.1 AA standards, must be thoroughly and robustly tested with users.

Research & Discovery

I began the process of researching existing products. While spending crypto with a debit card was a new idea, there are lots of examples of traditional debit cards applications. After researching every debit card application I could find, I then captured all the potential flows inside the application to support the card. I broke these down into the following flows:

  1. Pre registration / Wait List for Debit Card
  2. Application
  3. Activation
  4. Post Activation
  5. Automated USD to USDC Conversion


Next I wireframed the flows so the conversations had grounding to be more productive.

As Voyager I want to assess interest in the debit card program early by allowing for a pre-registration and opt in of debit cards pre-launch.
As a user, I want to easily apply for a Voyager debit card so that I can spend my USDC.
As a user, I want to be able to activate and use my physical debit card.
As a user, I want to always know the following; Available Balance, Incoming/outgoing transactions, Transaction History, Account/Routing, Account Management, and Statements.
As a user I want to be able to secure my debit card and quickly report intendents, and change my card status to protect my account.


The debit card feature needed to be thoroughly tested, this process requires a prototype. Focus was placed on testing.

  1. Applying for the card
  2. Activating the card
  3. Loading the card with USDC
  4. Managing the card
  5. Changing card status to protect account
Various Figma prototypes used for testing purposes.
Some functions needed critical analysis, thus requiring their own prototypes, for example this is prototype that focuses on loading the card with USDC.

User Testing

With prototypes available user testing can begin. For this project was used. These early findings helped immensely in ironing out the user experience.

Example of user testing the application experience.


With testing underway the feature can be fully realized in branded screenshots.

Example of high-fi screen for light/dark modes.

Additional Features
Rewards Program